Alumni Information
The Auburn Wesley Foundation experience is wonderful. While students, we are warmly received into a strong community. We sing and worship as we relate to the Lord. We play sports and games and dance and enjoy our relationships with one another in fellowship. We dig into scripture together and share our ideas and experiences in small groups. We serve, relationally and physically, in so many locations and with so many people. What a blessing.
After college, we are able to serve in our churches so much better because of what we've learned and done through this ministry in Auburn. When we meet others who have experienced the Auburn Wesley Foundation, we not only have the precious bond of Christ Jesus, but there is another bond. This bond is there whether we were at Wesley at the same time or if many years separated us. It's inexplicable, but so real.
The Auburn Wesley Staff works to provide opportunities for alumni to gather together.
Be sure to share in our Alumni Facebook Group! Events are shared in the prayer email and in periodic printed newsletters. If you need to update your contact information or other database information, please do so.