Council Information

Wesley is a student-led ministry. Our structure consists of the President and five Ministry Area Chairs: Outreach, Fellowship, Discipleship, Missions, and Worship. Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to make yourself available to serve on Wesley’s council next year! If you are interested in serving on a leadership team, applications for those will be available later this Spring.

 Note: According to Wesley’s constitution (yes, that really does exist!), to be considered for one of these positions you must 1) Be enrolled as a student for Fall 2021-Spring 2022, and 2) Have served at least one year on leadership or as a D-Group leader, or another form of leadership at Wesley (discussed with Tony), before serving on council. 

Responsibilities of the Council


●       Maintain the integrity and spirituality of the fellowship

●       Fill any gaps that may form within the Ministry Areas

●       Represent the fellowship at external functions

●       Plan Leadership/Council meetings and retreats

●       Plan Family & Friends weekend

●       Organize the next year’s elections


For each of the five ministry areas, the chair works with the council to make major decisions for the ministry. The chairs also support the people on their teams for the work in their individual ministry areas. Below is the purpose of each of the five ministry areas.

Outreach: The purpose of Outreach is to facilitate an accepting and welcoming environment to promote growth and equality throughout the fellowship. 

Worship: The purpose of Worship is to provide our fellowship with the opportunity to participate and be involved in corporate worship experiences in order to empower and encourage the fellowship as its people seek to know Christ and to build His Kingdom.

Fellowship: Fellowship provides events and opportunities that allow members of Wesley to interact while growing in their faith through fellowship with one another. This group also seeks to provide a deeply connected, accepting community.

Discipleship: Discipleship promotes a community of spiritual growth through encouragement, accountability, and sharing and learning from each other as a reflection of our spiritual growth in the pursuit of a deepening relationship with the Lord.

Missions: The purpose of Missions is to provide local, national, and international service opportunities for our fellowship and those on campus focusing on meeting both physical and relational needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Council Application is here.

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