Lent Devotional Guide
Writing A Lent Devotion
Read through the different Scriptures for your selected day. Take your time with them. Then prayerfully ask these questions:
Is there one in particular that I'm drawn to?
Do a couple of the Scriptures seem to connect to one another in an important way?
Is there something in here that speaks to me about Jesus' journey to the cross and what it means for me to follow him?
These kinds of questions can help you to select a Scripture or two to focus on for your devotional reflection.
2. Once you've selected the Scripture(s) - spend some time reading it over and over. Maybe over the course of a couple days before you try to write something. So that you have lived with it a little and let God speak to you through it.
3. A devotional reflection is not a sermon or preachy in tone. It's sharing from Scripture and your own life and faith in a way that helps nurture and strengthen our love and devotion to God.
4. So, ask yourself what experience you have with this passage. Does it connect to things you've learned or gone through? Those might be an important part of your devotional reflection.
5. You can turn to some resources like workingpreacher.com or textweek.com and search the passage to go deeper in your study and reflection.
6. When you're ready to write, here are some tips for what it should look like:
Begin by citing the Scripture(s) that your devotion is reflecting on.
Offer two or three paragraphs sharing about what you have heard and discovered in your reading. What connections were made for you? Why does this matter to you and your faith? Why is it important for us to read this Scripture during Lent as we follow Jesus to the cross?
End your reflection with a short written prayer.
7. Email your devotion to discipleship@auwesley.org no later than 11:59pm on Feb. 27th.