Stress Kit Info

Thank you for supporting your student and our ministry.  The deadline to order Fall 2021 Stress Kits is Wednesday, November 17th.  

Greetings Parents!

Final exams are coming soon, and it’s a time that students will be buried in their books, hardly thinking about their own nutritional needs. As finals this year will come fast on the heels of Thanksgiving, you can extend that love and care you’ve given your student over the break by sending them a Stress Kit to remind them that you are cheering them on! All proceeds from Stress Kits go to support Auburn Wesley Foundation Missions.

What Is a stress kit?

A Stress Kit is a collection of goodies for your student to enjoy!  You may choose to send your student (1) a double-decker cookie cake,  (2) a gift bag that includes items such as apples, oranges, bananas, pretzels, and other snacks, or (3) BOTH!

How Will They Get It?

  • Stress kits are individually delivered by the students & interns of the Auburn Wesley Foundation. They will call or text your student as they head out of Wesley for delivery. Active Wesley students will be asked to pick their own up here at the Wesley Foundation.

  • In order for all kits to be prepared and delivered on Wednesday - Friday, December 1 - 3, we need your order BY Wednesday, November 17!

  • After you click submit, a payment page should pop up. If not, the PayPal payment button is below the Submit button also.