Sunday, May 14

This morning we split into 2 groups and attended 2 churches - Gamasara UMC and Tarime UMC! John Ragland did an excellent job delivering the sermon at Gamasara, and David Lischer did an excellent job preaching at Tarime. We really enjoyed the enthusiastic worship music. We got loose with lots of clapping, dancing, and praising.

After church we met with the church leaders of Tarime UMC and the staff of Our Father's House. They wanted feedback on how they were doing as hosts as well as feedback on the Our Father's House program. We highlighted the (million) things they are doing so well and let them know some issues that the kids had brought up in discussion groups. 

This afternoon we did a combo pack of day 3 and 4 of our youth program at the church. We had many skits and faith shares. The kids and youth really got into the "Na na nanana" part of Waves of Mercy today so we did it until we ran out of breath. 

After a dinner of rice and peas, we did our daily evaluation, preparation for tomorrow, and devotional time. The street kids requested if they could play soccer with us so we are going to bed early tonight to be ready for a big game of soccer tomorrow! 

Kama vipi badi (CHECK YOU LATER, MATE!)

-Katie Rhodes


I'm not going to lie, it's a little daunting to try to follow the Katie Rhodes "swag", but my mom thinks I'm cool! (BTW, you should wish your mother a Happy Mother's Day, she might think your cool too...)

So adventures in Tarime continue; I accidentally created a game today with the kids today. I was super out of breath (I told you I don't run!) and couldn't think of the correct Swahili, so I told them 'lala salama!' and pretended to go to sleep. I guess this is super funny, so they all mimicked me; when I caught my breath, I ran and tickled them all (there is nothing ore precious than the sound of a child's laugh - maybe Beethovan's fifth symphony). They really liked it, so we kept doing it!

I love this team - they have not let a different culture or language step in their way from spreading God's love. We are prepping right now for our soccer (futball) match tomorrow. We're running drills at 5 a.m., we shall prevail! (actually, I will be fast asleep listening to the pitter patter of the rain hitting the window), but we look forward to some great fellowship with the street kids. 

Stay steadfast in pray, pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ - we will not be separated from God by race, culture, or opinions. We serve one God, and he is here!

Passion for Christ,

2017 Tanzania Team


Cold showers DO pay off! Look out world, I'm gaining high alertness, refined hair & skin, and working on weight loss.Boo-yah!!