Friday, May 26


We started our day off like no other day on the trip. We sat in the cars outside the bank for an hour and a half waiting to get our money converted (and we think banks in America are slow!) Super exciting, right?

When we finally could leave the bank and head to Gabimori for the day, we realized we were going to be there around 11. This was not ideal because we normally do construction till noon, take a lunch break, and do the children’s program after. It turns out that there were more family members who were arriving today to pay their respects to the elder of the church who passed away last week. We decided to not interfere with the ceremony they had going on and cancelled our children’s program. This meant that we had the pleasure of working construction the whole day! It was hot, but we pushed through it and made a ton of progress! The church is coming along great, and will be about 11.5 ft tall when completed. Our master builder, Kagosi, has taught us all how to be Tanzanian brick masons!   

Tonight is our last night in Shirati, which means lots and lots of cleaning (shout out to my mom for all the cleaning skills I have.) We are sad that tomorrow is out last day in Gabimori, but we are excited for the Safari and to slowly be starting our long journey home!

We appreciate all the continued prayers for this trip!


I'm not trying to impress you, but.....

I'm not trying to impress you, but I went to Africa and only got bitten 3948723498739 times. Everyone on the team is doing well, but we are still trying to accommodate the friendly guests the fly and crawl on the Earth. I have seen a centipede that was over 4 inches long. I have seen killer bees. I have seen huge black beetles (they look like the ones from the Mummy movies, so scary!) I have seen (and ran away from) many critters on this journey, but they are all God's creation; they may be icky, gooey, and slimey, but God crafted each of them with such tender care (I wish he would have forgotten about those dang mosquitoes though!)

 We are accomplishing so much in Gabimori, and I'm excited that this church family may have new life. When one light extinguishes, another is lit. The land that the new (and old) church are built on were given by the elder in the church that passed away last week. I feel that God is moving within this community and has great plans for this church.

Pray for us as we learn to say goodbye again, say hello (then goodbye) to our beloved lamb that is to be sacrificed in honor of us, and move on to admiring the beauty of the Earth on a great, wild safari.

God speaks, we listen,

2017 Tanzania Team


I want to make a joke about the lamb that is being prepared for us, but that would just turn out baaaaaaaaaad.