A Prayer for Today

Here is a prayer that I’ll hope you’ll pray today. May it not only help us to guard our hearts and minds from all that would seek to draw us away from Christ and our neighbors. But let us take up these kinds of prayers that we might be able to live and embody the faithfulness of Christ, now more than ever!

Remember, Prince of Peace, the people of this country and state, divided as we are by so many things.

Deliver us from every evil that blocks up the way of your saving work among us, and fulfill your promises to establish your kingdom of peace on earth as it is in heaven:

From believing and speaking lies against others, 

O Lord, deliver us 

From narrow loyalties and selfish isolation, 

O Lord, deliver us

From fear and distrust of others, 

O Lord, deliver us

From false pride and arrogance, 

O Lord, deliver us

From the lust for riches and power and privilege, that drives us to not see the needs of our neighbors, 

O Lord, deliver us

From every thought, word, and deed that divides us and separates us from the realization of your love, 

O Lord, deliver us 

Teach us, God of every nation, to see every question of national policy in the light of our faith, that we may check in ourselves and in others everything that  stirs in us that makes for war, ungenerous judgment, all promptings of self-assurance, all presumptuous claims.

Grant us insight to recognize the needs and aspirations of others, and remove our suspicions and misunderstandings, that we may honor all people in Jesus Christ our Lord.  
