Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines - Meditation

Psalm 19:14(NRSV)

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable to you,

O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Hello everyone! If you’re reading this, then welcome to this month’s spiritual resource! This month, we’ll be focusing on a practice that has greatly shaped my faith journey, the practice of contemplation, often referred to as meditation. Meditation is a very broad term that applies to many practices, which attempt to train attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. It is important to note that what makes meditation Christian is purpose. We are creating space in our minds for Christ. For me, Meditation has become a kind of Sabbatical practice, a moment of rest every day. Over the centuries, many of our sisters and brothers in the Christian tradition have engaged in these practices, and they are a valuable resource to us today. One of the things to keep in mind about meditation, is that it takes practice. It takes practice to let your body relax and your mind be present. So often we get ourselves caught up in all of our work, all the time, and our minds are just used to running autopilot 24/7, so it may take time for you to become accustomed to mindfulness.

Here are some meditation resources:

Meditations playlist (Compiled by me)

link (Spotify)

Vapor - Album by (The Liturgists)

link (Spotify)

Articles on the Examen spirituals

link (website)

Salt and the Sound - Artist that makes good tracks to sit with

link (Spotify)

Wishing you all peace and every blessing,

- Jalen Cutchens