On our last full work day, hard work continued for all teams. Josh, Sarah Jane, and Megan from Team 3/ Pantalones Caliente wrapped up the replacement of the floor inside the kitchen. Bekah and I broke up the sidewalk to begin repiping the house’s water lines after discovering the leaks found yesterday were irreparable.
Team 1 continued working hard on replacing the roof on their site. They are almost done putting up the main support beams but still need to install the corrugated metal to the roof. Team 2 finished taking out the floor at their site while also replacing some siding and pouring some concrete.
After cleaning up and eating a delicious dinner at the church, we loaded up into the van and traveled to the house of my team’s translator, Ivonne. Tatum Connell and I gave a devotion while JT Mercer and Bekah Wommack led us in a beautiful worship. Following worship, Ivonne taught us how to make tostones and mofango. Tostones are a fried, flattened plantain seasoned with salt.They are made with a device called a tostonera. Mofango is a delicious dish made from mashed, fried plantains that are mixed with spices and Chicharrónes(pork rinds). It is usually served with a meat such as fried pork.
We had a great time today serving and loved learning a little more about Puerto Rican culture.
-Ben Gourley