Goooood Morning, Tanzania!

Habari za asubuhi (good morning) from Tanzania!

Hi, hello, mambo! We have made it into the country of Tanzania, and we are as busy as ever. We arrived around 8:00 p.m. in Tanzanian time, checking in with immigration prior. The minute we stepped into the compound (our new home), the rains came down in Tarime and they washed away the stress of our travels, we were home! 

We started Wednesday morning with breakfast and orientation; we learned a lot of Swahili, became acquainted with the culture, and laughed a lot. Sara Sabai, our local coordinator and translator has been so kind to us, pushing us to grow in our experiences here in Africa.

Man, am I tired though....

After some hardcore travels (48 hours total), we all have been exhausted and are trying to adjust to a new culture, new climate, and a new time zone. We've been preparing for our busy week ahead, making costumes, prepping crafts, and learning so much about the stove technology we plan to help implement here. 

When's dinner???

I'm not going to lie - I'm a little distracted. As I write in the kitchen, we have beautiful ladies preparing dinner for us, chipsi mayai! This is a meal that we attempted to make prior to our trip, but this will be the real thing! (pictures will follow!)


Keep us in your prayers, the real work starts soon! Friday, we start teaching stove innovation, English skills, and the children's/youth program. We have been beyond blessed and will try to pass on the blessing to others (Genesis 12:2, I will bless you so you will be a blessing.)

Stay tuned for our travels in Tanzania!


In prayerful service,

2017 Tanzania Team


So mom, I don't know how you read a bad book and move on with your life - I finished this book that was terrible, and I am distraught!