Wednesday, May 24

Hello, I'm back!

What a productive and exhausting day. After a bone-jiggling car ride to Gabimori, we started building an inside wall of the church, while others began to show how to make stoves for the villagers using various methods. The inside wall that we were making will be used for a pastor’s office and storage in the church. With all hands-on deck, we matched the height of the outside walls in no time. Then hunger called we took a break for PB&Js and some generously made chipatti for lunch, and rested a little bit before the real test, soccer with the kids of the village. You’d think we were ready for all the running around. Turns out elevation is a pretty big deal when it comes to sports. Who knew? The kids were great though, all energy and skill.

After wearing ourselves out playing soccer, we moved onto the kid’s program, and started Day 2, which was about trusting in God. I played the sacrificial ram in our Abraham skit, and some schmuk in the background during our Peter walking on Water skit. It was a great time as always. Our audience isn’t entirely made up of kids this time, so we took a little more time talking to adults of the village about God and what he’s done in their lives. The kids were just played games with. We don’t have to translate kicking a ball.

When all was said and done, we took another harrowing journey back home, and got a surprise that we were going out to diner as a team. We had a selection of chicken, goat, or fish. I got chicken, (obviously, mutters my mother, who has lost her Facebook privileges, you know what you did). Glenn elected for fish, and it was served whole. He made a show out of eating, and for the most part we all enjoyed dinner. The chicken was a little thin, but I can’t complain. Overall, a great day for spreading God’s love and compassion.

Signing in and out, 
