Wow, our first day of working was so much work but so much fun! We all learned new skills and met new people! We started out the day by eating breakfast and then meeting with the people who organize all of the different sites. The case workers and foremen split us into groups and told us about who we would be helping. My team of 5 was told we would be helping a 61 year old man, “Uncle Luis,” who lost a lot during Hurricane Maria last year. Our job is to take down the tarp and boards that made a temporary roof and put up a new roof. I had a lot of fun using a hammer and crowbar and going to town on those nails in the boards!! We got to throw them off the roof onto the ground and that was probably my favorite part of the entire day! While we were working, Uncle Luis surprised us with quesitos, which are pastries similar to croissants but with a sweet sauce coating it with cream cheese inside, and cokes. He was so nice to us and though he spoke no English, we all definitely bonded after those yummy treats. Towards the end of our tasks, we took a break and sat in the shade while talking to our foreman who spoke English very well. We found out that he had actually lived in New York City for 17 years. It was really cool bonding over cold water and learning so much about everyone. All in all, today was such a rewarding day and I cannot wait for tomorrow!
-Tatum Connell
Lindsey Baird and Tatum Connell from Team 1 removing the nails from the boards that were part of the temporary tarp roof (as mentioned above)
Richard White from Team 1 is seen here tearing down the old wooden boards that made up the old, temporary roof
JT Mercer from Team 1 is shown climbing the ladder, about to tear down part of the temporary roof.
Taylor Vaughan, Sarah Jones, AJ Stanley, and Becca Mercer from Team 2 are shown smiling together before their day’s work was started. They spent most of the day doing rebar. Not pictured is Korie Burgess, who spent most of her day tearing out tile from the bathroom.
Bekah Wommack, Megan Kucera, and Sarah Jane Thompsonfrom Team 3 are shown cutting rebar. They spent most of the day sorting wood, rebarring, and doing a wide variety of other things.
Pictured above is Sarah Jane Thompson and Megan Kucera from Team 3, sharing a sandwich. Another team accidentally grabbed too many sandwiches, leaving Team 3 without lunches, a water cooler, or snacks. Luckily, some members of the host church scrambled to get more lunches and waters together for this team to eat lunch. Unfortunately, they were still a sandwich short, but Megan and Sarah Jane had a great attitude and volunteered to share a sandwich. Photo creds: Ben Gourley